Developing a Design of an Analog Electronics Practice Instruction as an Effort to Improve the Professionalism of Prospective Vocational Teachers

Abstract - This research aims at producing a design of an analog electronics practice instruction as an effort to improve the professionalism of prospective vocational teachers. This research is a development research employing the modified instructional development model of Thiagarajan. The results are as: Firstly, the design of an analog electronics practice instruction fulfills the criteria of good quality. It is found that: (1) the instructional design is valid; (2) the competency of the prospective vocational teachers in managing the instruction is good enough; (3) activities are effective; (4) responses towards the instructional components are positive; and (5) the practical assessment fulfills the criteria. Secondly, the results of analog electronic practices achieved by the prospective vocational teachers show that (1) improving the competence an analog electronics practice; (2) the competency in managing an instruction is effective; (3) the practical activities are implemented effectively; and (4) the responses towards the instruction is positive.