Electromagnetic field radiation measurement for occupational settings using three axis Tesla meter

This paper presents an assessment of exposure to extremely low power frequency (ELF) magnetic field in general and occupational settings using three-axis Tesla meter. The measurements are performed at the exposure level of PF magnetic field in some typical places where general public and occupational workers are subjected to the fields. In the occupational settings, high value of current radiates strong magnetic field that might exceed the safe limit of creating possible adverse health effects if proper shielding is not made. Radiated magnetic field from welding machines are measured and compared with international guidelines. In order to obtain space distribution, the work place is divided into meshes and fields are measured in the grid points. The measurements are performed using a single axis and three axis EMF meter (Gauss meter). Readings are taken in three axes to obtain a mean squared value for single axis EMF meter. The three axis EMF meter can directly measure the radiated field value without any calculation.