Managing Occupational Health and Safety

Work-related injury and disease present a serious and costly burden to all countries and a major challenge to managers, unions, governments and most especially workers themselves. Managing Occupational Health and Safety: A multidisciplinary approach, the third and completely revised edition of this most comprehensive book on managing occupational health and safety, has been restructured and rewritten to bring together the latest research, policy and practice on OHS. Lucidly written, the book is both an ideal undergraduate or introductory postgraduate text as well as being a valuable addition to any professional’s library. Drawing on a range of bodies of knowledge and practice the book explains how injury and disease risks arise in the workplace, the role of law in prevention and compensation, and how managers and others can best address these issues. The book is designed for human resource and OHS managers, policy makers and those in engineering, health sciences, nursing and other fields who need to understand or deal with OHS.