13615 - Biodigestor, uma solução de baixo custo para pequenas propriedades Biodigestor, low cost solution for small farms

The UFPR-Litoral, located in Matinhos/PR, has a political-pedagogical project innovative and challenging, seeking sustainable development of the coast of Parana, with proposed construction of innovative practices that integrate academic education, scientific and empirical knowledge and appreciation of local knowledge. Spaces arise learning, such as Cultural Interactions and Humanities (ICH), a space for interaction between local residents with the academic community, enabling discussions and exchanges of experiences. In this space took place, construction the workshop "Building a Biodigester for small farms," based on Agroecological principles. One goal was to develop a biodigester cheap, easy assembly and maintenance, using locally available materials and parts. With an investment of R$ 192,00 (US$ 93,77), we set up a model capable of generating energy, suitable for small farmers, easy installation and handling, which allows the use of gas and Biofertilizer on the property.