The NELLIP (Network of European Language Labeled Initiatives) project is funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme – Key Activity 2 Languages. The NELLIP project is coordinated by Pixel, Florence and the partners are: KU TU Ltd. (Bulgaria), Omnia (Finland), Universal Learning Systems (Ireland), Connectis (Italy), Public Service Language Centre (Lithuania), EuroEd Foundation (Romania), Prosper-Ase (Romania), Universidad de Extremadura (Spain), Fageskolan (Sweden), EAQUALS (United Kingdom). The NELLIP Network has the aim to promote quality in language learning and teaching through the application of the quality criteria used to award the European Language Label (ELL). Within this network, relevant language learning initiatives having received the ELL will be selected. An initial database consisting of projects that have been awarded the ELL has been set up. The projects in the database will be analyzed against a series of quality criteria and a number of case studies and good practices will be identified. National Reports as well as a Transnational Report are also produced in order to raise the quality of language learning initiatives that are being developed in Europe. This article is an overview of the criteria used in identifying quality language learning and teaching initiatives. These criteria will be analyzed and exemplified with the selected ELL initiatives while their transferability to the evaluation of other learning and teaching activities will be considered.