Organisational Change to Meet the Digital Challenge

As a response to increasing elearning and reliance on digital resources in teaching and learning, university libraries are extending the number and range of digital resources they facilitate access to, and are increasing the technological solutions they employ. In 2001 the University of South Australia launched a five-year plan to consolidate its physical and academic profile. The plan involves a significant reshaping and consolidation of programs across the metropolitan campuses, an extensive building program, accelerated development of offshore programs, and an increased commitment to internationalisation. To meet this challenge, as well as reflect continuing change in the information and technology environment, the University Library embarked on formal change management that sees a change of focus and organisational structure from one largely reflective of on campus teaching at the level of academic department, to one more closely aligned with the overall strategic direction of faculties which increasingly offer programs offshore and online. Change management needs to anticipate and address the human side of the digital library for library staff and clients. Considered are the challenges the digital world raises for the library as an organisation and the significant resources, planning and imagination necessary to ensure that staff are fully engaged with the nature and potential for change within it.