자동변속기 변속제어용 고성능 액츄에이터 모듈 개발

The high performance solenoid valve is adopted to hydraulic control system for hydraulic control solenoid valve in automatic transmission. In primary year researches, for the quality reservation to a shock in variable speed or the characteristic in variable speed In order to satisfy the automatic in-variable-speed appointment oil pressure control actuator module (hydraulic control actuator module) pressure characteristic which established optimization design and procedure, developed the trial product, and was manufactured. The automatic transmission in the degree of good gear has the rate of the vehicle which it has in an increase result by the facilities of a driver. Technology developed into which still more nearly continuously. Since influence important for the shock in the degree of good gear, an acceleration nature, and fuel consumption is performed by the influence of oil pressure power control of the automatic degree machine development technology of Inn good gear, the very efficient Actuator system development which can optimize oil pressure electronically and can control it is important partial technology.