NOVI Tools and Algorithms for Federating Virtualized Infrastructures

The EC FP7/FIRE STREP project NOVI Network Innovation over Virtualized Infrastructures explores efficient approaches to compose virtualized e-Infrastructures towards a holistic Future Internet (FI) cloud service. Resources belonging to various levels, i.e. networking, storage and processing are in principle managed by separate yet inter-working providers. In this ecosystem NOVI aspires to develop and validate methods, information systems and algorithms that will provide users with isolated slices, baskets of resources and services drawn from federated infrastructures. Experimental research accomplished thus far concludes the first phase of NOVI, with early prototypes of semantic-aware advanced control & management plane components being deployed and tested. The NOVI testing environment is based on combining PlanetLab and FEDERICA, two dissimilar virtualized experimental infrastructures with attributes widely anticipated in a FI cloud. This federated testbed is stitched at the data plane via the NSwitch, a distributed virtual switch developed within NOVI.