Now a days Android mobiles are everywhere in the world, but if we consider the area such as IT industry, Organisations, Educational, Business in these sectors all the employee with their Android mobile phones performs much activities. Every company, organisation having their own policies, rules, future projects so in such cases the privacy, security and confidentiality must be maintain by the employee of the organisation. So it"s very important to track their mobile phones whether they are leaking the confidential data or they are doing wrong call, wrong SMS, or crossing out the organisation"s geographical area in working hours. Another thing there are so many criminal cases happening like child kidnaping so in order to avoid this all cases we need to track the location of child"s mobile (10). After considering all these factors we implemented the system "Mobile Activity Monitoring System Using Android Spy" This system is implemented for tracking the daily activity of the users with their android mobiles. The information such as missed call, incoming call, outgoing call, call duration, incoming SMS, outgoing SMS along with its date and time will be tracked and updated to the server this server will be monitored by the administrator. This information can be maintained for security purpose of the organization such as leaking the confidential data and maintaining policies of organisation. Another thing this system consists of an alert of location if any of user crosses the specified geographical area of the organization instantly an alert will be sent to the manager"s mobile phone in the form of E-mail (6). This is very helpful system to the administrator to monitor any user in the organization with their personal data and location they exist through GPS .Through tracking such information organization can improved their performance in working hours.
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A Self-Configurable New Generation Children Tracking System Based on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Consisting of Android Mobile Terminals
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Hybrid location estimation and tracking system for mobile devices
2005 IEEE 61st Vehicular Technology Conference.
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Performance improvement of Hiroshima City Children Tracking System by correction of wrong registrations on school routes
2009 International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems.
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WebTrafMon: Web-based Internet/Intranet network traffic monitoring and analysis system
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Version 1.1