Design Rules for a Cim System
1. Introduction. 2. Development of CIM Design Rules. 3. Computer Aided Design (CAD). 4. Computer Aided Production Engineering (CAPE). 5. Computer Aided Production Planning (CAPP). 6. Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM) / Computer Aided Storage and Transportation (CAST). 7. Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM) / Computer Aided Transportation and Storage (CAST). Sub-topics. 8. General Interface Rules. 9. Development of Strategies. 10. Data Strategy. 11. Processing: State of the Art. 12. Processing Strategy. 13. Communication: State of the Art. 14. Communication Strategy. 15. Sensor Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 16. Graphics Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing. Appendices: Flowcharting Conventions. Selection Processes. Computer Aided Design of Solid Objects. Sensor Applications. CIM in the Small Firm.