Dynamic mobile sensor network platform for ID-based communication

This paper presents the design of a dynamic mobile sensor network platform, consisting of mobile sensors, mobile sensor gateways, and sink servers. The sensor network platform supports heterogeneous protocols in the network layer and performs ID-based communication to deliver sensor data from the mobile sensors to the sinks, as well as to send control and monitoring commands from a sensor administrator to the mobile sensors. To reliably provide sensor data irrespective of their locations, the mobile sensors and mobile sensor gateways natively support mobility and multihoming and possess network access authentication and data transport security functions. The users can freely install new application programs over an already-deployed sensor network. They can configure the sensor network to operate in light-weight or full-function modes depending on the application requirements or available networking environments. Some components of the proposed sensor network platform are already in the standardization process in ITU and others can be brought for standardization in the near future.