Enhancing Rendering Performance with View-Direction-Based Rendering Techniques for Large, High Resolution Multi-Display-Systems

In contrast to projection-based systems, large, high resolution multi-display systems offer a high pixel density on a large visualization area. This enables users to step up to the displays and see a small but highly detailed area. If the users move back a few steps they don't perceive details at pixel level but will instead get an overview of the whole visualization. Rendering techniques for design evaluation and review or for visualizing large volume data (e.g. Big Data applications) often use computationally expensive ray-based methods. Due to the number of pixels and the amount of data, these methods often do not achieve interactive frame rates. A view direction based (VDB) rendering technique renders the user's central field of view in high quality whereas the surrounding is rendered with a level-of-detail approach depending on the distance to the user's central field of view. This approach mimics the physiology of the human eye and conserves the advantage of highly detailed information when standing close to the multi-display system as well as the general overview of the whole scene. In this paper we propose a prototype implementation and evaluation of a focus-based rendering technique based on a hybrid ray tracing/sparse voxel octree rendering approach.