Mutual Correlation Between Housing Form and Construction System Based on The Example of Le Corbusier’s Multi-Apartment Building in Marseille - between classic and avant-garde

Based on original archive material to be found at the Fondation Le Corbusier, 10 square du Docteur Blanche, 75016 Paris the author analyses the conditioned construction of Le Corbusier’s housing cells (two-storey apartments) in Marseille within a predefined constructed system. The aim of the paper is to provide an analysis of the major aspects of the aplication of Le Corbusier’s reinforced concrete construction in Marseille based on his idea of two-storey apartments, and to stress the advantages and disadvantages of such an application, as well as to point out the possible contemporary application of his model design solutions which are, first and foremost, characterized by a merging between the avant-garde post-war concept and technical achievements in French architecture and construction. In view of numerous analyses of the Marseille prototype so far, this article affords research results based on an analysis of the interrelatedness of the concept of two-storey apartments and the concept of reinforced concrete constructs and reveals to which extent two-storey apartments are conditioned by the manner of their construction, as well as providing the advantages and disadvantages to such a conditioning. The construction of the building in Marseille is specific and Le Corbusier has applied the model of the two-storey apartment since his project of “Immeuble-villas“ in 1914, where he terms the apartments (housing) “Dom-ino”, like the game, specifically to stress the infinite possibilities of modular combinations to these units in creating a whole. On the other hand, the demand for visual expression of the “new” post-war period and the new aesthetic applications of concrete resulting from its constructive characteristics changed and supplemented the initial conception of two-storey homes. The first example that partly embodies Le Corbusier’s ideological quest and his plans and design in view of the issue of collective housing is the building named “Unite d'habitation de grandeur conforme” where apartments have been designed within a rigid system of vertical supporting walls above the main supporting plate and placed on columns on the first floor so that it is practically completely elevated above the floor. As such, the building in Marseille has become a prototype, a model, the first realization of a vision which is several decades old, a solitaire building still regarded to this day within the context of collectivism, Fourierist phalanstery, independent of the adjoining surroundings like a ship on a pre-charted course that “forgets” the natural environment it has come from, man and his primary habitable space set in the pre-war strategies of C.I.A.M., and designated as the aim of all conceptual and practical planning. The select construction for the building in Marseille and its detailed planning (especially its installations) indicate the complex beliefs of the architect who does not discriminate technique from art, housing from apartment, rural from urban, architecture from urbanism, and that man is the aim of evolution and global technical progress. According to Le Corbusier, man is, therefore, the focal point of progress which must be visible in every aspect – especially in the establishment of new towns and the planning of apartments, as well as the development of new construction systems thanks to the application of reinforced concrete – and must be applicable in a practical sense to daily living. Up to a point, the building in comprises all these aspects which are essentially necessary, simple, “primitive”, primordial and conditioned by the basic requirements of the family and inevitable necessity for insulation. This work is part of the research project “The Urban and Landscape Heritage of Croatia as Part of the European Culture” which is being carried out by the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Zagreb.