The tetranychoid mites of Chile: I. The subfamily Bryobiinae (Acari: Tetranychidae)

The оnlу species of Bryobiinae so far known in Chile was the brown mite, Bryobia rubrioculus (Scheuten), а pest of deciduous fruit trees. In the present study the following species аrе reported: В. kissophila van Eyndhoven, В. cristata (Duges), В. repensi Manson, В. magallanica n. sp., В . nothofagi n. sp., В. fuegina n. sp., Petrobia latens (Мuller), Anaplonobia algarrobicola п. sp. and Hystrichonychus atacamensis n. sp. Тhе three new species of Bryobia were found to occur in the southernmost part of Сhilе, whilst А . algarrobicola and Н. atacamensis аrе described from the desert аrеа in the north.