Retrieval Practice Produces More Learning than Elaborative Studying with Concept Mapping

The study found that students using the retrievalpractice technique scored significantly higher than students using the study-once, repeated-study, and concept-mapping techniques. The average percent of correct test questions for each group was 67% for retrieval practice, 27% for study once, 49% for repeated study, and 45% for concept mapping. All study participants began by reading a 276-word passage on sea otters for five minutes. They were then assigned to one of the following groups, each of which employed a different method of studying: Study-once group: Students did nothing beyond the initial five-minute reading period. Repeated-study group: Students read the same text during three additional five-minute sessions, with one-minute breaks between sessions. Concept-mapping group: Students were instructed to spend 25 minutes after the initial reading period mapping out the text’s main concepts on a sheet of paper. Retrieval-practice group: Students were instructed to spend 10 minutes after the initial reading period listing any information they remembered from the text in a response box on a computer screen. The students then reread the text for another five minutes and were again asked to list the information they remembered. What methods of studying were contrasted?