Ontology of Transportation Networks

This deliverable consists of three main parts. The rst part is a comprehensive survey on standardisation eorts for geographic information. The second part contains a description of the Geographic Data Files (GDF) standard. This is an ISO specication of how to store geographic information for intelligent transport systems. The structures in GDF, although primarily developed for storing data, are already a sophisticated ontology for transport networks. They are, however, still described on paper, and not with a formal system for representing ontologies. Therefore we turned the more informal description of the GDF ontology in a formal OWL-based ontology. The result is OTN, an Onotology for Transportation Systems. OTN is very similar to GDF, with some extras. It is described informally in the third part of this deliverable. The precise technical details of OTN can be obtained online at http://www.pms.i. lm