Focal myocarditis associated with pheochromocytoma.

MYOCARDIAL lesions have been described in patients who had received catecholamines for prolonged periods before death,1 2 3 4 and similar lesions have been produced in the myocardium of laboratory animals by the administration of norepinephrine3 and epinephrine.5 Myocardial lesions might thus be expected in patients harboring a functioning pheochromocytoma, but only a few morphologic studies of myocardial lesions in such patients have been reported.2 , 6 Since cardiovascular disorders are often predominant causes of death in patients with pheochromocytoma7 the hearts of such patients were reviewed in search of myocardial lesions. In addition, experimental lesions were produced in the myocardium of rats by the . . .