The role of consensus
What is the lift cycle of a standat-d, from the first recognition of the need fir one, through its development stage, and on to its final acceptance? Overall, one might note that the standa&making process involves many dikferent groups whose mode of operation is a complex combination of comtnercr and govrmmmt. Consensus must he obtained and often this involves the signiticant expenditure of resources in time and money. An advanced country tends to have at least one major standards institute. For example, the U.S. has the American National Standards Institute and the U.K. has the British Standards Institute. An alliance of European nations has crated a standards organiration called thr Committee of E:uropean Normalization. which receives input from I8 European countries. The International Organiation Sir Standards receives input fi-om virtually all countries. Ln addition to the national and supranational organirationa, many commet-cial and volunteer groups play important roles in developing standards. For instance, the institute of~Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) sponxxs the drvrlopment of ~~umerous standxds. IEEE Standard Process Developing an IEEE standard is an auivity authorized by the IEEE Standards Board. Volunteer working groups propose to the hoard drafts of a standard, which must first pass a consensus ballot. The ballot is intended to establish the recommended draft proposal as a consensus of affected and interested parties. IEEE mrmbn-s may participate by requesting inclusion in the balloting body. Nonmembers desiring a vote may petition the board for enfranchisement. The ballot is usually distributed by mail and recipients are given 30 days t” respond. Voters may be,@, abstazn, or agains the proposed document. Votes against the proposal trust be accompanied by commrnts that explain the negative position in enough detail that the draft could he altered to accommodate that opinion (and so automatically reverse that negative vote). All received commrnts get a
[1] Jay Iorio. IEEE standards: mechanizing the standardization process , 1991 .
[2] John L Berg,et al. The role of standards , 1991 .
[3] D. H. Bartley,et al. Revised4 report on the algorithmic language scheme , 1991, LIPO.
[4] John Spencer. Computing standards: a practical guide for data processing management , 1987 .