Moisture Management Tester: A Method to Characterize Fabric Liquid Moisture Management Properties

Fabric liquid moisture transport properties in multidimensions, called moisture management properties, significantly influence human perceptions of moisture sensations. A new method and instrument called the moisture management tester (MMT) is developed to evaluate textile moisture management properties. This new method can be used to quantitatively measure liquid moisture transfer in one step in a fabric in multidirections, where liquid moisture spreads on both surfaces of the fabric and transfers from one surface to the opposite. Ten indexes are introduced to characterize the liquid moisture management properties of fabrics. Eight sets of sportswear are tested with the MMT and the results show that liquid moisture management properties are significantly different for these fabrics. The objective measurements are compared with subjective perceptions of moisture sensations during exercise. A fabric’s one-way-transport capacity and its overall moisture management capacity are significantly correlated with perceptions of clammy and damp sensations with increased exercise time, indicating that subjective perceptions of moisture sensations in sweating such as clammy and damp can be predicted by the measurements of the MMT.