Towards Waveform-Selective Cloaking Devices Exploiting Circuit-Loaded Metasurfaces

The results of our studies towards the design of a metasurface able to make an antenna either invisible or visible depending on the waveform of the impinging signal are discussed. To achieve this goal, a conventional metasurface is loaded with a lumped-element circuit able to dynamically transform the behaviour of the metasurface from an invisibility cloak to a perfect electric conductor when the impinging signal switches from a pulse (PW) to a continuous (CW) wave, respectively. First, the waveform-selective cloaking principle of operation is investigated and discussed. Then, the design of the circuit is shown and its time-domain response to different waveforms explained. The proposed configuration paves the way to the design of reconfigurable cloaking devices, further expanding the application fields of reconfigurable metasurfaces.