Designing dependable and sustainable Smart Grids - How to apply Algorithm Engineering to distributed control in power systems

Abstract In this work, we present the Smart Grid Algorithm Engineering (SGAE) process model for application-oriented research and development in information and communication technology (ICT) for power systems. The SGAE process model is motivated by the main objective of contributing application-oriented research results for distributed control concepts on a sound methodological background. With this process model, we strive for an engineering aspiration within the domain of Smart Grids. The process model is set up with an initial conceptualisation phase followed by an iterable cycle of five phases with both analytical and experimental parts, giving detailed information on inputs and results for each phase and identifying the needed actors for each phase. Simulation of large-scale Smart Grid scenarios is a core component of SGAE. We therefore elaborate on tooling and techniques needed in that context and illustrate the whole process model using an application example from a finished research and development project.

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