42.8 Gb/s ASK homodyne receiver using standard DFB lasers

Optical synchronous coherent detection is attracting greater attention within the defense and security community because it allows linear recovery both of the amplitude and phase of optical signals. Fiber-based transmission impairments such as chromatic dispersion and polarization mode dispersion can be compensated in the electrical domain. Additionally, synchronous detection offers the potential of improved receiver sensitivity and extended reach versus direct or interferometric detection schemes. 28 Gbaud/112 Gb/s and 42.8 Gbaud transmissions are now being considered in fiber networks worldwide. Due to the lack of broadband high frequency components centered at IF values of 56 GHz and 86 GHz, respectively, the coherent heterodyne approach is not viable for these baud rates. The homodyne approach remains one of the choices available to fully exploit the advantages of synchronous coherent detection at these transmission data rates. In order to implement the homodyne receiver, optical phase locking between the signal and local oscillator laser (LO) is required. Digital approaches for this task rely upon very complex, fast, and high power-consumption chips. A homodyne receiver using an analog approach for phase locking would allow for increased system simplicity at a lower cost. Use of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) DFB lasers embedded within the receiver would also increase system feasibility for defense applications. We demonstrate synchronous demodulation of a 42.8 Gbaud signal using an analog optical phase-locked loop. The homodyne system was optimized to use COTS DFB lasers having an aggregate linewidth of ~2 MHz. We also analyze the impact of uncompensated phase noise on receiver performance.