How to strike a balance between local search and global search in multiobjective memetic algorithms for multiobjective 0/1 knapsack problems

An important implementation issue in the design of hybrid evolutionary multiobjective optimization algorithms with local search (i.e., multiobjective memetic algorithms) is how to strike a balance between local search and global search. If local search is applied to all individuals at every generation, almost all computation time is spent by local search. As a result, global search ability of memetic algorithms is not well utilized. We can use three ideas for decreasing the computation load of local search. One idea is to apply local search to only a small number of individuals. This idea can be implemented by introducing a local search probability, which is used to choose only a small number of initial solutions for local search from the current population. Another idea is a periodical (i.e., intermittent) use of local search. This idea can be implemented by introducing a local search interval (e.g., every 10 generations), which is used to specify when local search is applied. The other idea is an early termination of local search. Local search for each initial solution is terminated after a small number of neighbors are examined. This idea can be implemented by introducing a local search length, which is the number of examined neighbors in a series of iterated local search from a single initial solution. In this paper, we discuss the use of these three ideas to strike a local-global search balance. Through computational experiments on a two-objective 500-item knapsack problem, we compare various settings of local search such as short local search from all individuals at every generation, long local search from only a few individuals at every generation, and periodical long local search from all individuals. Global search in this paper means genetic search by crossover and mutation in multiobjective memetic algorithms.

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