Assemble-to-order systems: A review

In this paper, we review the recent literature on assemble-to-order systems. Each assemble-to-order system consists of multiple components and end-products. The components are assembled into the end-products after information on customer demand is received but the decision on what components to procure or produce must be made well before demand materializes. Most of the research in this area aims to find good operating policies to minimize system-wide cost subject to a customer service level. An operating policy of an assemble-to-order system is a combination of a component replenishment/production policy and an inventory allocation policy of these components. The last review on assemble-to-order systems dates back to Song and Zipkin (2003). The literature has been growing quickly in the past few years. Since 2003 more than 100 papers have been published in major operations research and management science journals. We review these papers to serve as a reference for researchers working in the field and as a starting point for those who wish to begin to explore it.

[1]  Ming Dong,et al.  Supply Disruption and Reactive Strategies in an Assemble-to-Order Supply Chain With Time-Sensitive Demand , 2012, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.

[2]  Alan Scheller-Wolf,et al.  Experimental Results Indicating Lattice‐Dependent Policies May Be Optimal for General Assemble‐To‐Order Systems , 2016 .

[3]  Jing-Sheng Song,et al.  Managing an Assemble-to-Order System with Returns , 2009, Manuf. Serv. Oper. Manag..

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[8]  Imh Ingrid Vliegen,et al.  A simple and accurate approximation for the order fill rates in lost-sales Assemble-to-Order systems , 2011 .

[9]  Yingdong Lu,et al.  Order-Based Cost Optimization in Assemble-to-Order Systems , 2005, Oper. Res..

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[21]  T.C.E. Cheng,et al.  Order-fulfillment performance analysis of an assemble-to-order system with unreliable machines , 2010 .

[22]  Zhaolin Li,et al.  Managing a Single-Product Assemble-to-Order System with Technology Innovations , 2007, Manag. Sci..

[23]  Etienne Craye,et al.  An assemble-to-order system with product and components demand with lost sales , 2015 .

[24]  T.C.E. Cheng,et al.  Production planning and inventory allocation of a single-product assemble-to-order system with failure-prone machines , 2011 .

[25]  Jing-Sheng Song,et al.  The Effectiveness of Several Performance Bounds for Capacitated Production, Partial-Order-Service, Assemble-to-Order Systems , 2003, Manuf. Serv. Oper. Manag..

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[28]  Paul Zipkin Some specially structured assemble-to-order systems , 2016, Oper. Res. Lett..

[29]  Qiong Wang,et al.  Assemble‐to‐Order Inventory Management via Stochastic Programming: Chained BOMs and the M‐System , 2017 .

[30]  Kune-muh Tsai,et al.  Multi-site available-to-promise modeling for assemble-to-order manufacturing: An illustration on TFT-LCD manufacturing , 2009 .

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[35]  Lijian Lu,et al.  Optimal and asymptotically optimal policies for assemble‐to‐order n‐ and W‐systems , 2015 .

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