Integrated Traffic-Driving-Networking Simulator for the Design of Connected Vehicle Applications: Eco-Signal Case Study

This article first develops an integrated traffic-driving-networking simulator (ITDNS) intended for the design and evaluation of cyber transportation systems (CTS) and connected vehicle (CV) applications. The ITDNS allows a human driver to control a subject vehicle, in a virtual environment, that is capable of communicating with other vehicles and the infrastructure with CTS messages. The challenges associated with the integration of the three simulators, and how those challenges were overcome, are discussed. As an application example, an eco-signal system, which recommends the approach speed for vehicles approaching the intersection so as to minimize fuel consumption and emissions, was implemented in the ITDNS. Test drivers were then asked to virtually drive through a signalized corridor twice, one time with the eco-signal system in place and another without the system. Thanks to the human-in-the-loop component of ITDNS, the research was able to evaluate the likely benefits of the eco-signal system, while accounting for the response of human drivers to the recommended speed profiles. Moreover, the study compared the energy consumption and emission production rates of human-controlled vehicles’ approach trajectories to the rates associated with “idealistic” trajectories that may be attainable via vehicle automation. With respect to ITDNS, the study demonstrates the unique advantages of the simulator and the broad range of applications it can address. Regarding the eco-signal application example, preliminary results demonstrate the potential of the concept to result in tangible reductions of around 9% for energy consumption, 18% for carbon monoxide, and 25% for nitrogen oxides emissions. Moreover, the application eliminated hard accelerations and decelerations maneuvers, and thus may have an additional positive safety impact.

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