An educational intervention to study the awareness of solar disinfection of drinking water among residents of an urban slum of a city in Central India

Solar disinfection (SODIS) is a simple, environmentally sustainable, low-cost solution for drinking water treatment at household level. It uses solar energy to destroy pathogenic microorganisms causing water borne diseases. Contaminated water is filled into transparent plastic bottles and exposed to full sunlight for 6 h. During the exposure to the sun, the pathogens are destroyed. Objective: To study the awareness of SODIS of drinking water among residents of an urban slum. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study imparting educational intervention to spread the awareness of SODIS of drinking water among residents of an urban slum. Result: A total of 50% increase in awareness regarding concept of SODIS; 66% increase in awareness regarding method of SODIS. The study was carried out with sample size of 100 which was not sufficient to corroborate the findings on a larger picture, needs more sample size to be incorporated which unfortunately was not contemplated owing to time constraint. Conclusion: It is recommended to find the utility of SODIS on a scientific basis and in Indian context, so that this cost-effective method can be utilized on a larger scale.