Motivation: A Biosocial and Cognitive Integration of Motivation and Emotion
CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION: WHAT IS MOTIVATION Historical Considerations Summary CHAPTER 2 - HOW DO WE STUDY MOTIVATION? Definitions: How Do You Define Motivation? The Relationship Between Motivation and Other Variables Summary CHAPTER 3 - AROUSAL: THE ENERGIZING AND INTENSITY ASPECT OF MOTIVATION The Construct of Arousal Arousal Has Many Aspects Arousal - Performance Relationships Summary CHAPTER 4 - BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS AND SLEEP Relationships to Biological Rhythms to Motivation Biological Rhythms Control of Biological Rhythms Advantages of Biological Timekeeping Effects of Disrupting Biological Rhythms Sleep Effects of Aging on Biological Rhythms and Sleep Summary CHAPTER 5 - TIME OF DAY, ALERTNESS, AND PERFORMANCE Variables of Importance in Addition to Time of Day Are There Several Rhythms? Performance Varies with Alertness and Time of Day Time of Day Affects Shift Work and Mood Personality Characteristics and "Morningness" Versus "Eveningness" Summary CHAPTER 6 - EMOTION AND MOOD: I. PROBLEMS OF DEFINITION AND MEASUREMENT How Are Motivation and Emotion Different? Definitions and Classifications of Emotion Emotion and Every-Day-Life Emotion, Mood, and Affect Emotion and Opponent Processes Summary CHAPTER 7 - EMOTION AND MOOD: II. COGNITION AND INFORMATION PROCESSING Complexity of Emotion and Cognition Emotion and Mood Have A Reciprocal Relationship With Cognition Emotion and Information Processing Approach and Withdrawal Summary CHAPTER 8 - HUNGER AND THIRST: BIOLOGICAL AND CULTURAL PROCESSES Biological Processes and the Regulation of Energy in Hunger Biological Processes in Thirst and Fluid Level Regulation The Role of Culture and Learning in Hunger and Eating Effects of Hunger, Thirst, and Glucose on Responding and Information Processing Summary CHAPTER 9 - REWARDS, INCENTIVES, AND GOALS: ADDICTIVE PROCESSES, EXTRINSIC INCENTIVES, AND INTRINSIC MOTIVATION General Theoretical Issues Brain Stimulation, Reward Systems, and Drug Abuse Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Incentives, and Achievement Motivation Summary CHAPTER 10 - GOALS AND SUCCESS-FAILURE BELIEFS Goals, Level of Aspiration, and Level of Expectation Individual Differences in Goal Setting Beliefs Regarding Success (Versus Failure) and Reinforcement Goals and Performance Attainment Summary CHAPTER 11 - AGGRESSION AND ANGER: ATTRIBUTION MASTERY POWER, COMPETITION Attribution and Achievement Anger Hostility, Anger, and Type A Personality Summary CHAPTER 12 - AGGRESSION, POWER, AND MASTERY What is Meant By Aggression? Aggression in Animals Brain Areas and Hormones Self-Interest vs. Collective Interest: Competition and Human Aggression Human Aggression: Power, Arousal, and Learning Machiavellianism, Mastery, and Assertiveness Summary CHAPTER 13 - FEAR AND ANXIETY General Considerations Early Experimental Work Contemporary Research in Fear Learning Anxiety, Individual Differences, Cognition, and Coping Summary CHAPTER 14 - SEX, GENDER, AND LOVE Hormonal Effects, Sexual Dimorphism, and Sexual Motivation Gender Love Summary