Continuous, automated, and low‐cost monitoring of the organic content in water

Analytical procedures for characterizing organic compounds in water are becoming more complex and costly. It is important that the capability for fully characterizing the organic fraction of water be developed, particularly in situations where the water is being treated for potable use. Because of the complexity of the organic constituents in natural water, as well as those formed during water treatment, even the best analytical techniques for determining specific organics account for less than 10 percent of the total organic carbon. In addition to incompletely characterizing the sample, these techniques are also slow and costly. Therefore, a method is needed to determine the total organic content of waters rapidly. This need has been met in the past by various measurements, typified by total organic carbon (TOC), total oxygen demand (TOD), and others. The electrochemical organic content (EOC) analyzer was developed to provide the same type of general organic measurement as is provided by TOC or TOD analyzers but at significantly lower equipment and labor costs. In addition, the EOC analyzer was directed toward providing an online, continuous analyzer, capab)e of monitoring processes and controls.