Medinfo 92 : proceedings of the Seventh World Congress on Medical Informatics, Geneva Palexpo, Switzerland, 6-10 September, 1992
Keynote Addresses. (Contributors: R. Penrose M. Elmandjra A. Hopper N. Magnenat-Thalmann). Computer Systems Technology. Software Systems Design and Assessment. Hardware Systems Design and Assessment. Network Communication Issues and Experience. Database Methods and Delivery. Health Information Systems. Design Concepts and Management Issues. Systems for Hospital Wide Applications. Systems for Clinical Applications. Systems for Community-Based Applications. Systems for Information Recording, Browsing and Retrieval. Medical Decision Support. Theory and Concepts. Knowledge Representation and Databases. Programs for Diagnosis and Clinical Care. Programs for Image and Signal Analysis. Programs for Management and Epidemiology. Medical Record Systems. Concepts and Designs. Experience with Medical Record Systems. Image and Signal Analysis. Methods for Images and Patterns. Methods for Signal Processing and Analysis. Statistical Techniques and Modelling. Statistical Techniques. Models for Community-Based Applications. Models for Clinic-Based Applications. Nursing Informatics. Concepts, Issues and Standards. Computer Approach to Nursing Education. Computer Systems for Nursing Management and Practice. Education and Training. Curricula in Medical Informatics. Computer Programs in Teaching and Learning. Computer Programs in Testing and Evaluation. Biomedical and Biotechnology Systems. Health Care Management and Resources. Management Issues and Strategies. Health Resources and Costs Issues. Human Factors and their Influence on Human-Machine Interface. Human Factors and System Design Issues. Implementation Strategies. Natural Language Processing. Towards Standards in Medical Informatics. Concepts and Issues. Coding and Nomenclature. Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) Project. Quality Assessment and Assurance. Ethical, Legal and Security Issues. Scientific Demonstration Abstracts. Systems Technology and Network Communication. Database Systems. Medical Decision Support. Image and Signal Analysis. Education and Training. Modelling and Simulation. Information Retrieval Systems. Nursing Systems. Natural Language Processing, Coding and Nomenclature. Health Care Management Systems.