Harnessing the Link between ICT Domestication and Behaviour Change for Carbon Footprint Reduction in the Home
This is a research-in-progress paper, outlining the issues pertinent to a unique EU FP7 Project entitled Digital Environment Home Energy Management System, including Living Labs in the UK and Bulgaria, which seeks to engender pro-environmental behaviour change in home environments, initially through direct awareness raising, and eventually through user-defined automated processes, using ICTs, in the hope of ‘domesticating’ energy efficiency technologies within the home. The paper introduces the project to the IS community, and before detailing early results from the first Cycle of the project, seeks to contextualise the work that is being undertaken in the project in the theoretical backdrop of ICT domestication theory and notions of pro-environmental behaviour change. The theoretical backdrop is introduced, outlining the arguments behind why the project may succeed, followed by a more detailed outline of the research undertaken so far towards the establishment of the system