Characterization of electric-pulse-induced permeabilization of porcine skin using surface electrodes.

We measured the transient and long-term changes of permeability of full-thickness porcine skin after the application of a single or a train of electric pulses, as the basis for optimization of the electrical parameters for enhancing transdermal drug or gene delivery by electroporation. Two electrodes were attached to the stratum corneum of excised skin for transdermal electric pulse delivery and impedance measurement. Both transient and long-term permeabilization were found to be dependent on the electrical exposure dose, i.e., the product of pulse voltage and cumulative pulsing (exposure) time. Skin resistance dropped to about 20% of its prepulsing value when pulsed beyond a critical dosage of 0.4 V-s (with 20-40 V across each skin path), but recovered rapidly within seconds after the pulse. Long-term permeabilization of the skin required repeated pulsing with a minimum potential of 160 V (80 V across each skin path). The maximum long-term resistance drop, to 35% of the initial value, required a dose greater than 200 V-s, recovering slowly and seldom completely in tens of minutes to hours. The decrease and recovery of the resistance were dependent on the frequency and pulse length only for low-dose electrical exposure.