C++ Iostreams Handbook
From the Publisher:
IOStreams. The C++ IOSTREAMS HANDBOOK provides C++ programmers with a broad view of the input-output mechanisms associated with the C++ language, as embodied in the IOStreams class library. Teale shows programmers how to use IOStreams, provides reference material for the IOStreams classes, illustrates how to provide input-output facilities for user-defined types and how to extend the IOStreams system.
Provides a detailed description of IOStreams
Introduces the use of IOStreams facilities
Describes the motivation for the IOStreams system and the public interfaces and behavior of the component classes
Provides key reference and tutorial for C++ programmers
Presents excellent rationale on how to manipulate IOStreams
Furnishes well-considered, outstanding examples that probe the behavior of the system and provide an active learning path
This book will help programmers, both novice or experienced, to expand and manipulate IOStreams and to make more sophisticated use of facilities in their own programs.