Reduced functional connectivity in a right-hemisphere network for volitional ocular motor control in schizophrenia.

Patients with schizophrenia consistently show deficient performance on tasks requiring volitional saccades. We previously reported reduced fractional anisotropy in the white matter underlying right dorsal anterior cingulate cortex in schizophrenia, which, along with lower fractional anisotropy in the right frontal eye field and posterior parietal cortex, predicted longer latencies of volitional saccades. This suggests that reduced microstructural integrity of dorsal anterior cingulate cortex white matter disrupts connectivity in the right hemisphere-dominant network for spatial attention and volitional ocular motor control. To test this hypothesis, we examined functional connectivity of the cingulate eye field component of this network, which is located in dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, during a task comprising volitional prosaccades and antisaccades. In patients with schizophrenia, we expected to find reduced functional connectivity, specifically in the right hemisphere, which predicted prolonged saccadic latency. Twenty-seven medicated schizophrenia outpatients and 21 demographically matched healthy controls performed volitional saccades during functional magnetic resonance imaging. Based on task-related activation, seed regions in the right and left cingulate eye field were defined. In both groups, the right and left cingulate eye field showed positive correlations with the ocular motor network and negative correlations with the default network. Patients showed reduced positive functional connectivity of the cingulate eye field, specifically in the right hemisphere. Negative functional connectivity of the right cingulate eye field predicted faster saccades, but these relations differed by group, and were only present in controls. This pattern of relations suggests that the coordination of activity between ocular motor and default networks is important for efficient task performance and is disrupted in schizophrenia. Along with prior observations of reduced white matter microstructural integrity (fractional anisotropy) in schizophrenia, the present finding of reduced functional connectivity suggests that functional and structural abnormalities of the right cingulate eye field disrupt connectivity in the network for spatial attention and volitional ocular motor control. These abnormalities may contribute to deficits in overcoming prepotency in the service of directing eye gaze and attention to the parts of the environment that are the most behaviourally relevant.

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