排氣熱 回收用 軸流 回轉形 顯熱交換器의 最適設計에 관한 硏究
A method of optimum design of an axial rotary sensible heat exchanger for the heat recovery of exhaust gas from the air conditioning space was developed in consideration of economics of investment cost and profit according to the installation of heat exchangers. Leakage rate of exhaust gas was calculated and the correlation for the pressure drop due to leakage of exhaust gas was proposed. Heat transfer between the matrix and exhaust and intake gas was analysed to calculate the effectiveness of heat exchanger, which was used for the optimum design of rotary heat exchanger. The results show that optimum rotational speed increases as the length of rotor increases and there exists optimum NTU which maximizes the gain of total cost according to the installation of rotary heat exchanger.