Kodikologie und Paläographie im digitalen Zeitalter 4 / Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age 4

Die zunehmende Verfugbarkeit digitaler Reproduktionen, eine qualitative Verbesserung von Reproduktionstechniken und die Entwicklung neuer Verfahren zur Analyse von Schrift und Beschreibstoffen in den vergangenen Jahren hat in die Zuwendung der historisch orientierten Geisteswissenschaften zur Materialitat der schriftlichen Uberlieferung gefordert. Anknupfend an die vorangegangenen Bande der Reihe prasentiert dieser Band aktuelle computergestutzte Forschungen zu schriftlichem Kulturgut. Der thematische Rahmen reicht dabei von der Vorstellung neuer Reproduktionstechniken uber die Anwendung von Bildmanipulationen zur Lesbarmachung schwer entzifferbarer Manuskripte und lexikostatistische Untersuchungen bis hin zur Vorstellung von Materialdatenbanken zu Beschreibstoffen. Inhalt: Oliver Duntze: Einleitung (IX) Tal Hassner, Malte Rehbein, Peter A. Stokes, Lior Wolf: Computation and Palaeography: Potentials and Limits (1) Digitale Reproduktion als palaographischesWerkzeug / Digital imaging as a palaeographic tool Fabian Hollaus, Melanie Gau, Robert Sablatnig, William A. Christens-Barry, Heinz Miklas: Readability Enhancement and Palimpsest Decipherment of Historical Manuscripts (31) Christine Voth: What lies beneath: The application of digital technology to uncover writing obscured by a chemical reagent (47) Verwaltung von Erschliesungsdaten / Organizing descriptive information Rombert Stapel: The development of a medieval scribe (67) Matthieu Bonicel, Dominique Stutzmann: Une application iPad pour l’annotation collaborative des manuscrits medievaux avec le protocole SharedCanvas: «Formes a toucher» (87) Erwin Frauenknecht, Maria Stieglecker: WZIS – Wasserzeichen-Informationssystem: Verwaltung und Prasentation von Wasserzeichen und ihrer Metadaten (105) Elisa Pallottini: Un corpus di iscrizioni medievali della provincia di Viterbo: Metodologia d’analisi e alcune riflessioni sulla sua informatizzazione (123) Appendices Kurzbiographien – Biographical Notes (137)

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[56]  Yahya Rahmat-Samii,et al.  Electromagnetic Optimization by Genetic Algorithms , 1999 .

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[58]  Wernfried Hofmeister Die Edition als »offenes Buch': Chancen und Risiken einer Transponierungs-Synopse, exemplarisch dargestellt an der Dichtung Von des todes gehugede des sog Heinrich von Melk , 1999 .

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[66]  W. McCarty A Network with a thousand entrances: Commentary in an electronic age? , 2002 .

[67]  B. Mandelbrot How Long Is the Coast of Britain ? , 2002 .

[68]  Helmut Bansa Accelerated Ageing of Paper: Some Ideas on its Practical Benefit , 2002 .

[69]  Antonio Cartelli,et al.  Towards the Project of an Open Catalogue of Manuscripts , 2002 .

[70]  Michael Droettboom Correcting broken characters in the recognition of historical printed documents , 2003, 2003 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2003. Proceedings..

[71]  Ichiro Fujinaga,et al.  The Gamera framework for building custom recognition systems , 2003 .

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[73]  Hans Scholten,et al.  Non Destructive Detection of Iron-Gall Inks by Means of Multispectral Imaging Part 2: Application on Original Objects Affected With Iron-Gall-Ink Corrosion , 2003 .

[74]  Lambert Schomaker,et al.  Automatic writer identification using fragmented connected-component contours , 2004, Ninth International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition.

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[78]  R. J. Clark,et al.  The Lindisfarne Gospels and two other 8th century Anglo-Saxon/Insular manuscripts: pigment identification by Raman microscopy , 2004 .

[79]  Arianna Ciula Modelli digitali di scrittura carolina , 2004 .

[80]  Melissa Terras,et al.  Downs and Acrosses: Textual Markup on a Stroke Level , 2004, Lit. Linguistic Comput..

[81]  R. Manmatha,et al.  Holistic word recognition for handwritten historical documents , 2004, First International Workshop on Document Image Analysis for Libraries, 2004. Proceedings..

[82]  M. Missori,et al.  Optical reflectance spectroscopy of ancient papers with discoloration or foxing , 2004 .

[83]  Peter Robinson,et al.  Current issues in making digital editions of medieval texts--or, do electronic scholarly editions have a future? , 2005 .

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[85]  Antonio Cartelli,et al.  Computer and Information Systems in Latin Paleography Between Research and Didactic Application , 2005 .

[86]  K. Canfield A Pilot Study for a Navajo Textbase , 2005 .

[87]  Dorian Birsan,et al.  On Plug-ins and Extensible Architectures , 2005, ACM Queue.

[88]  Noël Richard,et al.  Collaboration Between Statistical and Structural Approaches for Old Handwritten Characters Recognition , 2005, GbRPR.

[89]  Arianna Ciula,et al.  Digital palaeography: using the digital representation of medieval script to support palaeographic analysis , 2005 .

[90]  A. I. Doyle The Palaeography of Gothic Manuscript Books, from the Twelfth to the Early Sixteenth Century , 2005 .

[91]  Jerzy W. Jaromczyk,et al.  Edition Production Technology: an Eclipse based platform for building Image-based Electronic Editions , 2005 .

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[93]  Murray McGillivray Statistical Analysis of Digital Paleographic Data: What Can It Tell Us? [2005, rptd. 2008] , 2005 .

[94]  Juliet Koss On the Limits of Empathy , 2006 .

[95]  Lou Burnard,et al.  Electronic textual editing , 2006 .

[96]  R. Manmatha,et al.  Word spotting for historical documents , 2007, International Journal of Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR).

[97]  Fernanda Beigel La epopeya de una generación y una revista : las redes editoriales de José Carlos Mariátegui en América Latina , 2006 .

[98]  Anna Tonazzini,et al.  Digital image analysis to enhance underwritten text in the Archimedes palimpsest , 2007, International Journal of Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR).

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[100]  Mark Aussems Christine de Pizan and the scribal fingerprint: a quantitative approach to manuscript studies , 2006 .

[101]  Ioanna Kakoulli,et al.  Multispectral and hyperspectral imaging technologies in conservation: current research and potential applications , 2006 .

[102]  Melissa Terras,et al.  Image to Interpretation: An Intelligent System to Aid Historians in Reading the Vindolanda Texts , 2006 .

[103]  Adel M. Alimi,et al.  Contribution to the Discrimination of the Medieval Manuscript Texts: Application in the Palaeography , 2006, Document Analysis Systems.

[104]  Ioannis Pratikakis,et al.  An old greek handwritten OCR system based on an efficient segmentation-free approach , 2007, International Journal of Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR).

[105]  A. Rodighiero Continental and Mediterranean Review: Filologia classica e filologia romanza: FERRARI, Anna, ed. 1998.Filologia classica e filologia romanza: esperienze ecdotiche a confronto. Atti del Convegno, Roma, 25-27 maggio 1995. Spoleto: Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo. , 2006 .

[106]  S. Reddy A Document Recognition System for Early Modern Latin , 2006 .

[107]  Antonio Cartelli Semantics, Ontologies and Information Systems in Education: Concerns and Proposals , 2006 .

[108]  Brigitte Resl A Cultural History of Animals in the Medieval Age , 2007 .

[109]  Lambert Schomaker,et al.  Automatic Handwriting Identification on Medieval Documents , 2007, 14th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP 2007).

[110]  Peter Stokes Palaeography and Image-Processing: Some Solutions and Problems , 2007 .

[111]  Arianna Ciula Digital Philology and Medieval Texts , 2007 .

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[113]  Tom Davis,et al.  The Practice of Handwriting Identification , 2007 .

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[121]  C. Dutschke Digital Scriptorium: Ten Years Young, and Working on Survival , 2008 .

[122]  Julia Craig-McFeely Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music: The evolution of a digital resource , 2008 .

[123]  Hugh A. Cayless Linking Page Images to Transcriptions with SVG , 2008 .

[124]  Volkmar Frinken,et al.  Self-training Strategies for Handwriting Word Recognition , 2009, ICDM.

[125]  T. Dumitrescu,et al.  The CMME Occo Codex Edition: Variants and Versions in Encoding and Interface , 2009 .

[126]  Peter Stokes Kodikologie und Paläographie im digitalen Zeitalter Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age , 2009 .

[127]  Peter Stokes,et al.  Computer-Aided Palaeography, Present and Future , 2009 .

[128]  Robert Sablatnig,et al.  A Survey of Techniques for Document and Archaeology Artefact Reconstruction , 2009, 2009 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition.

[129]  P. Stadler,et al.  Digitale Edition zwischen Experiment und Standardisierung : Musik -- Text -- Codierung , 2009 .

[130]  Alan K. Bowman,et al.  Emptio Bovis Frisica: the ‘Frisian Ox Sale’ Reconsidered , 2009, Journal of Roman Studies.

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[132]  Volkmar Frinken,et al.  Improved Handwriting Recognition by Combining Two Forms of Hidden Markov Models and a Recurrent Neural Network , 2009, CAIP.

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[134]  Timothy L. Stinson Knowledge of the Flesh: Using DNA Analysis to Unlock Bibliographical Secrets of Medieval Parchment , 2009, The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America.

[135]  Peter Robinson What text really is not, and why editors have to learn to swim , 2009, Lit. Linguistic Comput..

[136]  M. R. James A Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge , 2009 .

[137]  Bruce W. Holsinger Of Pigs and Parchment: Medieval Studies and the Coming of the Animal , 2009, PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America.

[138]  Martin Schwarz Lausten Johannes Bugenhagen als Reformator der öffentlichen Fürsorge. (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation Bd. 44). , 2010 .

[139]  Melissa Terras,et al.  The digital classicist: Disciplinary focus and interdisciplinary vision , 2010 .

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