An IoT Based Green Waste Management System For Bangladesh

Internet-of-Things (IoT) has introduced new avenues of application development towards the Smart City vision. Urbanization is a common trend of current society and its rapid growth demands smarter solutions for waste management in the cities. A probable solution of this problem is the adoption of IoT based waste management systems. In this case, we have to build smart bins that will be connected with the cloud setup of the city authority and will provide constant updates of the waste status of the bins. A critical issue in this case is to provide power to this smart bin establishments. This problem can further be handled by incorporating reusable energy sources such as solar panels with the smart bin setups. In this paper, we design and develop an IoT and cloud based framework for waste management. We have designed and developed smart bins that are intermittently connected to the cloud data storage to share their waste status. City authority is given required web interfaces to manage smart bin installations. Garbage collectors are given mobile applications to help planning garbage collection routes dynamically.