Adaptive Proposal Generation Network for Temporal Sentence Localization in Videos

We address the problem of temporal sentence localization in videos (TSLV). Traditional methods follow a top-down framework which localizes the target segment with predefined segment proposals. Although they have achieved decent performance, the proposals are handcrafted and redundant. Recently, bottom-up framework attracts increasing attention due to its superior efficiency. It directly predicts the probabilities for each frame as a boundary. However, the performance of bottom-up model is inferior to the top-down counterpart as it fails to exploit the segmentlevel interaction. In this paper, we propose an Adaptive Proposal Generation Network (APGN) to maintain the segment-level interaction while speeding up the efficiency. Specifically, we first perform a foregroundbackground classification upon the video and regress on the foreground frames to adaptively generate proposals. In this way, the handcrafted proposal design is discarded and the redundant proposals are decreased. Then, a proposal consolidation module is further developed to enhance the semantic of the generated proposals. Finally, we locate the target moments with these generated proposals following the top-down framework. Extensive experiments on three challenging benchmarks show that our proposed APGN significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods.

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