Protection of refractories (review)

ConclusionsThe protection of refractories must be given specified organizational forms. In our view, the chief refractory engineer of large metallurgical plants should function on the same footing as the deputy chief engineer (like the chief rolling-mill engineer or the chief steel-smelter), with the required staffing arrangements.Metallurgical plants must be equipped with laser interferometers [26] which make it possible systematically to monitor the residual thickness of the refractory lining to an accuracy of 1 mm. This makes it possible to get lining of an equally eroded thickness. The staff of the chief refractory engineer must be equipped with the appropriate instruments for monitoring the temperature and the gas medium. It is necessary to change the function and regulations for the engineers of the refractory-inspection section in order to direct their activities toward improving the operational conditions of the refractories.The refractories must be protected, and for this purpose not only the refractory engineers but also metallurgists, designers, planners, heat engineers, and economists must be involved. There is no doubt that the resistance of refractories in various assemblies will be increased by the general resources and will provide the Soviet Union with significant savings in energy, heat, and material and labor resources.