Proceedings of the 5th Joint Virtual Reality Conference

We are proud to present the Proceedings of the 5th Joint Virtual Reality Conference (JVRC 2013), which includes the scientific program of the Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (EGVE) and EuroVR. JVRC 2013 took place in Paris from 11-13 December 2013. Following the tradition of previous editions of successful Joint Virtual Reality conferences in Lyon, Stuttgart, Nottingham, and Madrid, the scientific program of JVRC 2013 was embedded in an event bringing together people from academic research and industry as well as technology developers and suppliers from the field of Virtual and Augmented Reality and 3D User Interfaces. JVRC was hosted by the VENISE group of CNRS/LIMSI and the Interactive Simulation Laboratory from CEA LIST on the Campus Paris Saclay, south of Paris.