[Advanced development of particle beam probe diagnostic system]. Annual progress report, [15 December 1992--15 October 1993]

This progress report under DOE Grant DE-FG02-85ER3211 covers the period 15 December 1992 through 15 October 1993. The major accomplishments of this period are summarized below: The basic TEXT heavy ion beam probe including the primary beam line, the upper secondary beam line with the old 500 keV analyzer, and the lower secondary beam line with the new 2 MeV analyzer is operational and system shake-down is now beginning. Several subsystems of the complete system design are still under development, including secondary beam line sweeps, primary beam detectors, the digital control and data acquisition system. The lower analyzer entrance aperture and detector plates also have very limited capabilities to make it possible to more rapidly obtain satisfactory initial alignment and calibration conditions. We have performed a variety of high voltage tests that establish the basic efficacy of the 2 MeV analyzer design. We have upgraded the ion optics and added vacuum chambers in our vertical test stand facility to allow us to test the 2 MeV analyzers. We have also constructed a facility for testing ion source characteristics. We analyzed data on primary beam modulation taken during the last run period and confirmed the accuracy of our simulation code. Analysismore » of magnetic field measurements continued.« less