Thomas Daun, Leszek Plaskota, Greg W. Wasilkowski Win the 2011 Best Paper Award
The Award Committee – Aicke Hinrichs, FSU Jena, Fakultaet fuer Mathematik und Informatik, Germany, and Stephen Joe, University of Waikato, Faculty of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, New Zealand determined that the following two papers exhibited exceptional merit and therefore awarded the prize to: Thomas Daun, for the paper ‘‘On the randomized solution of initial value problems’’, which appeared in June–August, 2011, vol. 27, pp 300–311 Leszek Plaskota, Greg W. Wasilkowski, for their paper ‘‘Tractability of infinite-dimensional integration in the worst case and randomized settings’’, which appeared in December, 2011, vol. 27, pp 505–518 The $3000 prize will be divided between the authors. Each author will also receive a plaque at an award ceremony at the Schloss Dagstuhl Seminar on Algorithms and Complexity for Continuous Problems in September, 2012.