Topography of Corticostriatal Projections in Nonhuman Primates and Implications for Functional Parcellation of the Neostriatum

The corticostriatal pathway is a massive projection system linking virtually the entire neocortex with the neostriatum. Although it is widely recognized as a vital relay between cognitive centers and the extrapyramidal motor system, the exact nature of the anatomical relationship between these major centers has remained a puzzle to neurologists and neuroscientists alike. The functional role of the neostriatum has been equally clouded. The behavioral consequences of lesions in this structure are astonishingly diverse and seem not to be consistent from one study to another or from one species to another, including man (Denny-Brown, 1962; Divac and Oberg, 1979; DeLong and Georgopoulus, 1981).


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