Sequential Domain Patching for Computationally Feasible Multi-objective Optimization of Expensive Electromagnetic Simulation Models

In this paper, we discuss a simple and efficient technique for multi-objective design optimization of multi-parameter microwave and antenna structures. Our method exploits a stencil-based approach for identification of the Pareto front that does not rely on population-based metaheuristic algorithms, typically used for this purpose. The optimization procedure is realized in two steps. Initially, the initial Pareto-optimal set representing the best possible trade-offs between conflicting objectives is obtained using low-fidelity representation (coarsely-discretized EM model simulations) of the structure at hand. This is realized by sequential construction and relocation of small design space segments (patches) in order to create a path connecting the extreme Pareto front designs identified beforehand. In the second step, the Pareto set is refined to yield the optimal designs at the level of the high-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) model. The appropriate number of patches is determined automatically. The approach is validated by means of two multi-parameter design examples: a compact impedance transformer, and an ultra-wideband monopole antenna. Superiority of the patching method over the state-of-the-art multi-objective optimization techniques is demonstrated in terms of the computational cost of the design process.

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