전력 스위칭 트랜지스터 크기 가변을 이용한 듀얼모드 DC-DC 벅 변환기 설계
In this paper, we design a dual mode buck converter using power transistor width scaling to improve the light load efficiency. The DC-DC converter adopts the SFM mode in light load and the PWM mode in heavy load using the VCO (voltage controlled oscillator) as a dual mode. Also the power transistor width is varied according to the load current to enhance the power efficiency, which is designed with a small circuit including the VCO used in the dual mode. The proposed circuit has been realized with the Magnachip 0.35m CMOS process and simulated using Spectre. The simulation results show that the power efficiency of the proposed converter has 86.8% ∼ 91.5% for 20mA ∼ 250mA output load current, which shows 3.7% ∼ 10.8% higher than that of previous buck converters.