Relationship between technical competency and extensionists' job performance.

This study was to determine the relationship between technical competency an d extensionists' job performance i n r elation t o G ood A gricultural Practice (GAP) among Malaysian extensionists at Department of Agriculture ( DOA). The study employed s tratified r andom sampling technique. Samples are chosen with a technique called proportional sample allocation. The sample consisted of 210 extensionists from Department of Agriculture in f our s tates of Malaysia. The d ata were analyzed using descriptive statistics a nd Pearson correlation analysis. The findings su pport the positive relationship between technical competency and job performance. Finding would help policy makers and ext ension managers to focus on d evelopment of competent extensionists as the who le ext ension pro cess is depend on ex tensionists to t ransfer GAP to t he clients. Competency identified i n t his study could be incorporated into in-service training as w ell.