Power transmission and sizing

This chapter considers the power transmission components found in applications, discusses their impact on the overall system performance, and concludes with the process required to determine the detailed specifications of the motor and the drive. The design parameters of the mechanical transmission system of the actuator must be identified at the earliest possible stage. Once the overall application, and the speed and torque requirements of the total system have been clearly identified, various broad combinations of motors and drives can be reviewed. The principles governing the sizing of a motor drive are largely independent of the type of motor being considered. In brief, adequate sizing involves determining the motor's speed range, and determining the continuous and intermittent peak torque or force which are required to allow the overall system to perform to its specification. Once these factors have been determined, an iterative process using the manufacturer's specifications and data sheets will lead to as close an optimum solution as possible. One of the key points to be noted is that the motor-drive package must be able to supply torques and speed which ensure that the required motion profile can be followed.