Data muling in ICN

The end-to-end connection paradigm of TCP/IP does not work well in situations characterized by intermittent (or no) global internet connectivity, as often is the case in offshore Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), military networks, rural/remote areas and maritime transport. Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) investigates to address these use cases, often built as an overlay on top of existing network infrastructure. ICN is a new internet architecture aiming to replace TCP/IP, whose data-oriented paradigm seems a very good match with the requirements of applications where connectivity is intermittent or absent. Hence, potentially eliminating additional DTN overlays. In this demo, we will showcase how ICN can be used for data muling between two disconnected "islands". New data will be generated in real-time on each island, and participants will be given the possibility of muling interactively generated data between the islands via mobile phones and small single-board computers.