Descriptive agent-based modeling of the "Chord" P2P protocol
In this chapter, we have modeled Chord in DescRiptivE Agent-based Models (DREAM) for higher level of abstraction. For textual description of Chord, Overview, design concepts and details (ODD) is used. To best of our knowledge, Chord is not yet modeled in DREAM and ODD in the literature. The main contributions of our works are as follows: We have replicated the results of PeerSim-Chord in NetLogo. We have modeled Chord in ODD for its textual description. For pseudo-code-based specification and centralities measure, we have modeled Chord in DREAM. We have compared and discussed the results of PeerSim and NetLogo. Rest of the chapter is organized as follows. Second section covers background and literature review, and in the third section we have modeled Chord in ODD and DREAM. Fourth section discusses the results, and the last section concludes the chapter.