VisuaLinda: a framework for visualizing parallel Linda programs
Describes the VisuaLinda system, which is an integration of a Linda server and a visualizer of parallel Linda programs. Since the visualization module is built into the Linda server, programmers do not need to put additional visualization primitives in their client programs in order to visualize the behavior of their programs. This framework significantly reduces the programmers' burden in debugging parallel programs, owing to the following features. First, it minimizes the "probe effect", which is one of the main concerns in monitoring parallel programs. Second, VisuaLinda uses 3D space to display both the relation between the Linda server and the client programs, and the execution of client programs. This framework can be used to display a much larger number of processes than using 2D visualization techniques, see two relations simultaneously, improve the visibility of communication lines, and see each process's state as well as the overview of the execution.