Activation and inactivation of rostral superior colliculus neurons during smooth-pursuit eye movements in monkeys.

Neurons in the intermediate and deep layers of the rostral superior colliculus (SC) of monkeys are active during attentive fixation, small saccades, and smooth-pursuit eye movements. Alterations of SC activity have been shown to alter saccades and fixation, but similar manipulations have not been shown to influence smooth-pursuit eye movements. Therefore we both activated (electrical stimulation) and inactivated (reversible chemical injection) rostral SC neurons to establish a causal role for the activity of these neurons in smooth pursuit. First, we stimulated the rostral SC during pursuit initiation as well as pursuit maintenance. For pursuit initiation, stimulation of the rostral SC suppressed pursuit to ipsiversive moving targets primarily and had modest effects on contraversive pursuit. The effect of stimulation on pursuit varied with the location of the stimulation with the most rostral sites producing the most effective inhibition of ipsiversive pursuit. Stimulation was more effective on higher pursuit speeds than on lower and did not evoke smooth-pursuit eye movements during fixation. As with the effects on pursuit initiation, ipsiversive maintained pursuit was suppressed, whereas contraversive pursuit was less affected. The stimulation effect on smooth pursuit did not result from a generalized inhibition because the suppression of smooth pursuit was greater than the suppression of smooth eye movements evoked by head rotations (vestibular-ocular reflex). Nor was the stimulation effect due to the activation of superficial layer visual neurons rather than the intermediate layers of the SC because stimulation of the superficial layers produced effects opposite to those found with intermediate layer stimulation. Second, we inactivated the rostral SC with muscimol and found that contraversive pursuit initiation was reduced and ipsiversive pursuit was increased slightly, changes that were opposite to those resulting from stimulation. The results of both the stimulation and the muscimol injection experiments on pursuit are consistent with the effects of these activation and inactivation experiments on saccades, and the effects on pursuit are consistent with the hypothesis that the SC provides a position signal that is used by the smooth-pursuit eye-movement system.

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